Tag Archives: professional bio

professional medical bio writing

The Professional Medical Bio

If you are a physician or a specialist in your field, special consideration must be given when writing your professional medical biography. While…
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bio writer reveal life details

Revealing Yourself Through Your Bio

When having your bio written, whether you’re writing it yourself or are having it written by a professional bio writer, you must be…
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well written bio wewritebios.com

A Well-Written Bio Can Be a Roadmap for Your Life

Why is a well-written bio important? Yes, we know the usual reasons to have a bio — you have a new job and…
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executive bio writing sample

The Anatomy of the Executive Bio

With the onset of company websites, corporate intranets, LinkedIn, and an increase in self-employment through the internet, executive bios are in high demand. …
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life theme bio writing

What is Your Life’s Theme? No, it’s Not Your Favorite Song

Whether you decide to write your own bio or have your bio written professionally, your bio must have a theme — specifically, your…
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professional bio writers wewritebios.com

You Have a Life — All You Need Is a Bio

Bios can be a benchmark for where you are right now. Most people who are asked for a professional bio and make an…
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Give Your Professional Bio That “It” Factor

We constantly get clients who are afraid to add anything too personal in a professional bio, for fear that someone will hack into…
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tips on writing bio

Know Thyself: 3 Important Tips on Writing a Bio

Today we are living in a dual presence society. We have our physical life that we actually lead, as well as an online…
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help writing a professional bio

Are You Confident in Writing Your Own Bio?

So it's Friday night and you get an urgent email from your boss. It's a request for a professional bio that you need…
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How Do I Write a Great LinkedIn Profile Summary?

If you're not on LinkedIn, you're missing out on one of the most powerful social media platforms available. A must if you're looking…
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Get started on your bio today!