Category Archives: Professional bios

Getting Started on Your Volunteer Bio

Those who truly give of themselves to support a cause deserve their bio on the company’s site. In a nonprofit organization, many times…
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meet the team bios

Meet the Team Bios: Getting Started

Team bios are usually found on a company website. On a typical company website, this would be on the “About Us” page, with…
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Strike a Work-Life Balance Part 2: Helpful Tips

The topic of work-life balance was inspired by some of our clients. Although they had accomplished certain career goals, several seemed to be…
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personal bio

Strike a Work-Life Balance: Why It’s Important

It may as well go without saying -- in order to have an interesting bio you should really have a good work-life balance.…
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memorable bio activities we write bios

Win Over Your Audience with a Memorable Bio

The fact is, having a well-written, memorable bio is becoming really important in today's business climate. With the advent of social media and…
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bio as inspiration

Your Professional Bio as an Inspiration to Others

Consider the fact that your professional bio could be an inspiration to many people. Yet, many choose not to include those little personal…
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goal professional bio

Understand Your Goal for Your Professional Bio

So you need a professional bio. The important question: What should you include? This would depend on the goal of your bio. Is…
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bio writer reveal life details

Revealing Yourself Through Your Bio

When having your bio written, whether you’re writing it yourself or are having it written by a professional bio writer, you must be…
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Do you know what direction your life is taking you? In developing a story for a professional bio, keeping a journal can help…
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well written bio

A Well-Written Bio Can Be a Roadmap for Your Life

Why is a well-written bio important? Yes, we know the usual reasons to have a bio — you have a new job and…
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Get started on your bio today!